Welcome to a new Corporate Sponsor – EBOS Healthcare

Day Hospitals Australia would like to welcome EBOS Healthcare as new Corporate Sponsors.

EBOS have been Industry Members since 2020 and great supporters of Day Hospitals Australia, and we are pleased to welcome their continued support as Corporate Sponsors.

We value the support of our Corporate Sponsors, Industry Partners and Industry Members, who support our representative and advocacy role, as well as those who provide benefits and savings for our members.

EBOS Healthcare connect people to the world’s best medications and consumable products across Australia like no one else. For 90 years we have been supplying Day Hospitals with the best products from around the world.

At every point a person interacts with the healthcare system, EBOS is there providing a lifetime of product and services experience. We know Day Hospitals better than anyone and respond to its needs in a way our competitors cannot. Quite simply there is no single supply solution like EBOS Healthcare.

To find out more, contact us on 1800 269 534 or visit www.eboshealthcare.com.au