APRA quarterly PHI statistics for September 2022

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has released its quarterly private health insurance (PHI) publications for the September 2022 quarter.

Some of the latest findings include:

  • A decrease in net profit after tax over the year to September 2022 (down 49.6% to $0.9 billion) compared to the previous year.
  • Premium revenue in the year to September 2022 increased by 2.4% through a combination of rising membership and premium increases.
  • Claims increased over the period by 2.8% from the easing of COVID-19 related restrictions and movements in insurers’ Deferred Claims Liabilities (DCL [1]).
  • Hospital treatment membership increased by 2.2% or 256,768 persons during the year to September 2022 with membership among insured persons aged 20 to 49 increasing by 2.2% or 90,073 persons.

Copies of the September 2022 quarterly publications are available on APRA’s website here.